Have you ever wished that your vehicle could communicate with you? Like the car in the classic movie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, or the modern version of the talking transformer car, Bumblebee – being able to communicate with our vehicles would be very advantageous!

Believe it or not, our vehicles do communicate with us. They do this everyday through the system of warning lights and indicators on the vehicle dashboard.

Your vehicle dashboard is designed to display a whole range of warning lights, from maintenance reminders to safety. Some of those warning lights are ones that you may never see in the life of your vehicle, while others are visible to you every time you drive. In this article, we review the typical lights that you may experience and the message that your vehicle is sending to you.

Typical Warning Lights

Because warning lights are displayed on the dashboard, they are represented in the form of symbols and colors. The symbols depict that component or system that is in question, while the color may indicate the seriousness of the warning.

Engine Temperature Light: When your Engine Temperature Light displays, this means the temperature of your vehicle is heating up above normal. This could indicate a problem with your cooling system in the vehicle. You do not want the vehicle to overheat – so it is important to check your vehicles coolant level as well as your radiator and fans. Do not check the coolant while the engine is not. If the vehicle continues to run hot, do not drive it. Doing so could cause serious engine damage. Instead, have it towed to our auto repair shop in Wallington, New Jersey.


Brake Warning Light: When your Brake Light displays, this means that you may have your parking brake on while the vehicle is in Park or Drive. Once the brake is disengaged, this warning light should turn off. If it is not the parking brake, the light will stay on, indicating a potentially serious problem with the braking system. Have your vehicle towed to avoid any mishaps in getting to the shop for repair.



Battery Light: When your Battery Light displays, this means you may have a problem with your battery charging system or alternator. Your battery charge may be weak or non-existent and you may not be able to start your vehicle. Have the battery charge serviced to see if it needs a charge or needs replacement.



Oil Pressure Light: When an oil pressure light comes on, it is telling you there is a serious drop in oil pressure – the oil level is mostly likely very low or the oil is not making its way to the engine properly. If you see this warning light, immediately check your oil level. Do not continue to drive with the Oil Pressure light illuminated. Serious engine damage can result. Instead, have it towed to our shop in Wallington, NJ.


If you experience problems with any of the more typical warning lights, make sure to address them promptly to avoid further damage to your vehicle or possible safety issues.

Your vehicle’s dashboard displays many more warning lights and indicators. Familiarize yourself with the ones that match your vehicle make and model. Remember, your vehicle can communicate with you on their level – just make sure you’re listening!

If an of the “red” warning lights mentioned here come on while you are driving, please have your vehicle towed to Car Kings right away. Continuing to drive can result in serious engine damage or worse – injury to you. For problems with other non-critical warning lights, like the ABS and Check Engine lights, schedule an appointment to have your vehicle checked out.