vehicle performance and value

It’s a new year and an opportunity to commit to making improvements in various aspects of your daily life.  This may include your vehicle ownership and operation. If you spend a lot of time in your vehicle, why not consider how you can improve the performance and value of your vehicle?  In this month’s blog, we look at how your vehicle’s performance and value degrade over time, and what you can do to enhance these important factors for your vehicle.  This will not only ensure the longevity of your vehicle but may help reduce costs that you pay for repairs this year.

Vehicle Degradation and Performance

Unfortunately, your vehicle is a victim of degradation which means it is a depreciating asset.  The specific factors that influence the degradation of your vehicle include the following:

  • Your driving habits: Driving habits include how you treat your vehicle in your normal driving routine.  Do you over-accelerate or use your brakes hard when driving?  Or do you put a lot of miles on your vehicle regularly or frequently drive in rough driving conditions?
  • Your vehicle’s age: All components of your vehicle can wear down and become damaged.  As a vehicle ages, these parts function less effectively, especially without regular maintenance.
  • Your vehicle’s environment: Where you live and drive is important to your vehicle’s performance.  Vehicles that are subjected to weather extremes, may degrade quicker than vehicles in a more consistent and temperate environment.
  • Your vehicle’s maintenance routine: If you do not follow a regular maintenance routine, it’s likely your vehicle will degrade quicker.  Proactive maintenance helps to keep the engine and components operating at peak performance.

Focus on Performance Improvement

The good news is that it is never too late to focus on improving your vehicle’s overall performance and value.  There are several key tasks that you can implement this year to help:

  1. Be a conscientious driver: Focus on better driving habits such as maintaining proper speeds, easing up on braking and accelerating, and being more attentive in areas where there are rough driving conditions.
  2. Check vehicle vitals: Before an airline pilot leaves the gate, he or she will do a pre-flight check of all the aircraft instruments.  You can do the same thing by checking your fluid levels, periodically checking tire pressure and tread wear, and inspecting lights and brakes.  Being more attentive to these vitals can help you detect a problem earlier that you or a service professional can address.
  3. Stick to vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations: Your vehicle owner’s manual contains important information about your vehicle’s recommended maintenance, parts, fluids, or component requirements.  Use this information to guide your maintenance routine and choices for your vehicle.
  4. Keep your vehicle clean: Keeping your vehicle clean on the interior and exterior will help you hold on to value when you want to sell it.  Plus, it will make you feel better about your vehicle and your overall driving experience.  Cleaning can include important items like your cabin and engine filters, and spark plugs.

Take advantage of the new year and focus your attention on improving the performance and value of your vehicle.  Your efforts will pay off in the end with a vehicle that lasts longer and holds its value.  If you want advice on how to keep your vehicle running at peak performance, contact the service professionals at Car Kings to schedule an appointment.